

Penny Boivin

Phoenix, Arizona

I am so grateful that I had my myomectomy with you and not in Phoenix! This one doctor did myomectomies and the patient had to be an outpatient, not even given anesthesia. Upon the first visit to your office, you did an ultrasound exam the right way, by having me drink lots and lots of water. I have had multiple ultrasounds, but none had been ever done that way before. Even that Phoenix doctor who does myomectomies did an ultrasound, but I did not drink water. You informed me about the large fibroid I had which pressed on my bladder. It would have been positively dangerous and life threatening to have my surgery laproscopically as an outpatient. I am so glad you helped me!!


Highland, NY

All I can say is "WOW" Dr. West you are absolutely amazing. On January 19, 2005 I had a myomectomy performed by Dr.West and I must say I have never felt better. I was up and around the next morning without any pain! I must have walked the halls of the hospital a million times over. The nursing staff at the hospital were very nice and helpful - although I am sure they miss seeing me walking my laps around their station. It has been little over 2 months since the surgery and I feel great. I can surely see and feel the difference in my body. Excersie is back into my daily schedule now and I owe it all to you Dr. West. Again - Thank you Dr. West! You are the best

Jacqueline Salmon

New york

Dr. West You are absolutely FANTASTIC.Since the age of 18 I suffered with excrutiating pain anemia and the fear of having my period. Tylenol, Advil, Aleve and Aspirin controlled my everyday life. At the age of 34, after visiting several doctors looking for a solution or explanation of my misery; I was finally told that the only solution was for me to have a Hystorectomy. I mentioned this to my principal and the following day she brought THE BOOK to me " Hystorectomy Hoax". I went hiking the same weekened and read your book in less than a day. The moment I got home I called you and made an appointment.I entered your office and I immediately felt that I was in the right place. After calling me into your office your calm demeanor confirmed what I felt. I brought a list with questions and all diagnosis from other doctors and you said "I dont want to know, tell me what's going on with you" After explaning everything to you , you drew me a picture of my uterus and showed me why I suffered for so many years. You immediately ordered a sonogram and when the results came back you said I had to have surgery. my firs response was " How soon can you perform this surgery"? I had my first surgery with you on November 16,1999 and all I can say is that you gave me back life. You had mentioned to me that the tissues might grow back in five years and five years later the pain started to come back. I just had my second surgery with you on February 16. 2005 at St Vincent Hospital and it is three week later and I will be going back to my wonderful student, friends and classroom with the threat of no pain. Once again Dr. West as I said five years ago "You have the hands of gold" Most importantly, thank you and your staff for being who you all are. May God continue to bless you all.-Jackie,02-16-05



There really is a difference between doctors. I recently had surgery with Dr West, was up the next day with no pain, walking abut and wanting to go home that day. In the bed next to me was a lady who had the same surgery, in a lot of pain catheter in, unable to get out of bed. The nurses all said "oh you must be Dr West"s patient. All of his patients do well". THANK YOU DOCTOR WEST!

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