

Debbie Travis

Woodbine, Georgia

Through Prayer and guidance my family and I can celebrate November 14, 2006. This the day that Dr. Stanley West removed 19 fibroids from my uterus. For the past four years my condition worsen and each time I was told by my local doctors that hysterectomy was my only option. This was an option that my husband and I would not accept. I can clearly remember the day that I sent the email and Dr. West responded immediately that my journey was not the end but just the beginning. I can't say enough about Lynn and Saundra how they nurtured a complete stranger and made me feel like I had been apart of their office family for years. The joy of knowing that there are still professionals who truly care about new beginnings and life makes me want to spread the news about this God sent man, Dr. Stanley West. I have lost inches and weight since the removal of the fibroids and I even see a glow in my husband's eyes again. I take this time to say to all women that are thinking or planning on visiting Dr. West, it is worth the trip. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want some suggestions on traveling from out of state or country. I am from a small town in Georgia that made the trip to the "Big City" to possess my healing! If I can do it, so can you! Stay strong in the Faith and know that the Angels are with you and I am here to cheer you on to complete your journey. Blessings, Debbie Travis

Michelle DeLisser-Barnes

Dix Hills, NY

About six years ago. I met a lady at my usual friday morning appointment at the beauty salon. We went into conversation about Fibroids and I explained to her my mother had a hysterectomy as well as a friend of mine at the age of 22 years old. She was in shock and told me she is in the care of Dr. Stanley West and he would have never ever given a 22 years old a hysterectomy as well as my mother who at the time was 60 years old. No women should have anything remove out of her body that God created in her. Every organ is suppose to be there for a reason I recently got married and I tried to get pregnant and it was not happening. I finally went to a gyneologist and he told me I have fibroids and scheduled me for surgery. There was no explannation at the time. What are fibroids, how big, how did I get them? I asked him what kind of surgery will he perform on me " The Old Fashioned Kind" was his reply. My husband and I was very uncomfortable with his answer and he seemed to lack patient compassion. Thank God, because I was uncomfortable with him I remembered the lady I met at the beauty salon telling me about Dr. Stanley West. I immediatley made a phone call to his office where Lynn and Saundra made me feel comfortable right from the start. I had my myomectomy on December 12, 2006. I am Free At Last, Thank God Almighty I am Free At Last. No More Fibroids in my body. Dr. West is the best. He has human compassion. He explained everything that will happen from the time you enter the hospital and after. which there is NO SCARRING, you will be healed in no time. I was able to do my usual activities within 3 weeks. High heels and all. Looking and feeling fabulous. My husband and I are now looking forward to have fun and that is having fun to make beautiful healthy children since there is no foreign elements in my body to prevent this blessing. I thank God for Dr. Stanley West. God have truly given him a talent and passion to save many women lives physically and emotionally by giving them the opportunity to bring life into this world. From my operation Dr. West was able to save a friend of the family that was scheduled for surgery three weeks after my myomectomy. Thank God she called Dr. West in time. God Bless you Dr. West with all my heart and your staff Lynn and Saundra for being warm and friendly.


New York, NY

Dr. West is the BEST doctor ever, he changed my life. He is an amazing individual and it is an honor to know him and have him operate on me 3 times. I am truly blessed to have someone like him in my life.

Shonna Mackelprang

Charleston, SC

Dr. West. My name is Mrs. Shonna Mackelprang. I am the Tricare patient from Charleston SC that has corresponded with you over the past year concerning my plentiful fibroids. I wanted to let you know that I am 33 weeks pregnant with a lovely baby girl. Her name will be Saffiya Marian and we'll be expecting her around the very beginning of the year via C-section. My myomectomy was a blessed success and we are on our way to starting a family. You were so reassuring and supporting through all of my questions before my last surgery. Even though I could not have the honor of being your patient, you never made me feel like second rate, or that you didn't have time to help assuage my fears. I was especially pleased that you took the time to do a phone consult with me at a moments notice. Amazing and totally unheard of. I thank you for your level of integrity and kindness, and I wish you and yours all the best this holiday season. You are a person that gives others hope, even from afar! Many Thanks and may you be blessed with peace, joy, and a fruitful bounty. Sincerely. John and Shonna Mackelprang and Miss Saffiya :-)

Lisiane Groskopf

Jacksonville, fl

God bless you Dr. West.. You are a miracle Doctor. Until we met you, I was living in hell; it was a miserable life because of fibroids for five years. I had been suffering pain in the abdomen and pelvis and feelings of abdominal pressure and bloating all the time. I was bleeding non-stop, having pain every single day, my belly was huge, I could not bend over anymore, had awful pain in my legs, had frequent episodes of urinary incontinence, and difficulty with my bowel movements only to name a few of my ailments. All the doctors here in Florida, from the start, told me I should have a hysterectomy, because of the location and size of my fibroids and because the uterus is useless (12 doctors, total). One doctor even told my husband I should be rushed to the hospital or I would die alone at home because of the bleeding. Well, I am still alive, thank you Dr. West, and it?s my true belief we are perfect creatures and there is no such thing as a useless organ. I refused for all these years to have a hysterectomy hoping one day to have a baby. Also, after a while I refused because of the reaction I had from so many doctors when you question them about the outcome after the surgery. In another words, they do not care if you will suffer any side effect at all after the surgery, or whatever will happen with you after your natural hormones are stolen forever. We can take a pill they said. Wish they were in my shoes. If you do your homework you will understand how important your organs are, not only now, but also when we get older. We finally decided to travel to NY to see Dr. West. My surgery was on 10/18/2006, I am still recovering, but I was walking again the day of the surgery. It?s unbelievable the way I felt after the surgery. That horrible pressure inside my belly was gone. I spent so long with pain, I forgot how it was not to feel it. My major concern now is not to go too far to fast (it?s eleven day?s since the surgery now) because I feel like I can do anything again, but I know I am still in recovery. My whole life I was skinny, maybe too skinny. I had 5?04? 105-110 average till I got sick. I was 163 pounds two days before surgery; I am 135 pounds now (10/29/2006) and going down. Most important, I still have my uterus. God bless you Doctor West.

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